Domain registrations are $15.00.
The domain fee registers a domain name for one full year.
The domain TLD (top level domain) extensions we can register are listed here:
Available Domain Extensions
Other domain extensions may be available, please contact us for more info
If we register a domain for you or your company you own the domain as long as the domain is paid in full.
If you do not wish to re-register a domain past the payment period of 1-year, the domain will not be yours and you do not own the domain. You must pay for the domain to retain ownership.
Did you know that whenever a domain name is registered, The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) requires your personal information be published in the WHOIS database? This includes your mailing address, phone number, and email address! If you wish for your information to be private, you can pay for domain privacy. The fee is $10/year per domain.
How to transfer a domain name to Ideal HTML. A big advantage is to centralize your billing and management of your domain to one company.